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A Provider of Excellence

Inspired with its vision and mission, and striving to become a provider of Excellence in food and environment analytical and advisory services, BEN HAYYAN – Aqaba International Laboratories – was established under the EU funded programme “IS-ASEZA”, to support ASEZA in guiding the Aqaba Special Economic Zone towards becoming a dynamic and attractive Engine of economic growth, enhancing public health and streamlining trade In the zone, Jordan and the region.

Our Vision

Is to become a world-class center of excellence, Promoting food safety and environment protection, contributing to better world by Improving the quality of life of people, and facilitating trade within ASEZ, Jordan and the wider region.

Our Mission

BEN HAYYAN is a state-of-the-art laboratory that will provide cost effective, reliable, and accredited analytical services to regulatory agencies and commercial enterprises; create training and research opportunities and establish working ties with peer institutions involved in food safety and environmental conservation.